The John-Ease Small Calf Chute is designed for one person or more to easily process young calves.
After cows are sorted off, one person can guide a baby calf into the chute working area.
The calf is eased into the head gate of the John-Ease Small Calf Chute.
All vital processing areas are accessible through openings or doors in the chute. A handy tray provides storage.
After processing, the gate is opened and the calf is eased out of the head gate. An open sort gate allows for easy sorting after processing.
The calf is released into a adjoining pen. Throughout the entire process, the calf remains standing, which helps in keeping the calf calm.
It’s that easy! Give the Boaldin’s a call to see how you can get the John-Ease Small Calf Chute for your operation!